Wednesday, 4 July 2012

CABF 2012 Poster

Here's the poster for this year's bookfair, featuring the art of our special guest: Cristy C. Road.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Workshop Schedule

Here's our list of workshops so far. There may be some last-minute additions, so stay tuned.

Saturday, July 7

12:00-1:30pm: Prairie Struggle Organization; The Quebec Student Movement: History, Politics and Anarchist Involvement.
This workshop takes a look at the history of the Quebec student movement from the 1960's to the 2012 general strike, its victories and blunders and its politics and strategies. In many ways anarchists have influenced this union movement profoundly. Testimony from an anarchist who participated in the 2005 and 2008 Quebec student strikes will answer the questions of 'Why are anarchists involved?' and 'Why is it important to promote these types of unions across Canada?'

1:45-3:15pm: Christi C. Road; DIY, Publishing & Doing What You Want
"We live in a world where releasing music, publishing art, and putting on a show is often made impossible by the beaurocratic wall built by promoters, record labels, presses, media, and the otherwise "industry" that can both assist artists, and take away their power as well. In this workshop we will discuss taking that power into your own hands; by a slideshow and discussion on DIY music/business ethics. We will explore what it takes to publish your own writing and art; release your own albums, and put on your own shows; without restrictions or ever having to compromise your artistic goals and vision."

3:30-4:30pm: Black Sheep Collective; "The Potentiality of Storming Heaven"
A film screening about the December 2008 Greek insurrection.

Sunday, July 8

12:00-1:30pm: Brett
A presentation regarding anti-pipeline and anti-coal mine actions in British Columbia.

1:45-3:15pm: BC Black Out
A presentation regarding anti-pipeline and anti-coal mine actions in British Columbia.

3:30-4:30pm: David Tighe; Gardens of Earthly Delight: Anarchy and Visionary Art & Architecture
Observations from an anarchist perspective on Nek Chand's Garden, the topiary work of Pearl Fryar, the Watts Tower, and more. There will be opinions, discussion and pictures. Nek Chand Saini's Garden at Chandigarh, India is a bold personal vision of utopia. That it is a good place is testified to by the hundreds of thousands of people who have seen and love the garden. It is, or at least was, a no-place in the sense that it existed literally off the map for 18 years, only discovered by city authorities in 1975. The garden was completely at odds with Le Corbusier's sterile High Modernist utopian plan for the city of Chandigarh. On several occasions there have been attempts by city officials to destroy the garden, but it has been vigorously defended by residents of the city. Most examples of what is sometimes termed Visionary Architecture have a similar story. They are often at odds with local authorities, although not always as vigorously opposed as in Chandigarh. They are always by their nature, the vision of one person, an amateur (ie non-professional), and expressing an individual vision beyond the realms of ordinary life, sometimes offering at least glimpses of the Marvelous.

4:45-5:45pm: Jeff Shantz
Anarchist activist, poet and sociologist.